(. (( (A sunbeam that visited me during the first week of surgery recovery.) )) .)
God reaches down to
rock a liquid
cradle and we talk
about times
we’ve seen him before.
A firm grip on a
head, a ray of sun
brings us to our knees
and here the water
is a holy bath
heads floating and salty
loving and large
Don’t text me, I’m on poem time!
I’m tracing a wobbly heart shape in the sand
around my body, yours and ours, grains chafing nails
opal-pink jellyfish pricking my hands electric.
I’m seeing a man about a crab, leeching
milky cures across my open palms.
Don’t call me, I’m on poem hours!
I’m making a wishing well from pocket change,
tossing quarters into toilet water to bribe desire into truth.
I’m walking backwards on a bridge where
minutes bend, sound contorting into winning shapes.
My shirt tissue is fastened small top button only, flapping
in the air a hundred, thousand, million seconds at a time.
Don’t press me, I’m on poem truth!
I’m hiking a redacted landscape and whistling crude at a
glowing fungus, crawling low across logs.
I’m scribbling black bars over lost mosses forever
taking them off the record. I’m swanning my way
across an algae bloom, drawing a deep blue
willowing wake over any archive or meaning.
Don’t touch me, I’m on poem body!
I’m huffing mirth straight out of the sky,
nostrils full of pleasure and aliveness.
I’m atomizing my corpus into a misty meat filtered
through a ray of shining particles, glassy-edged
suspended here between the end of a day and the
beginning of a night,
Is that a sun or a moon?
Neighbors at the Jefferson Men’s Shelter here in Brooklyn were displaced without warning, evicted into below freezing temperatures with their entire lives in bags and suitcases. Many have nowhere to go. Comrades with Food Fight, who have been cooking meals and building relationships with these folks for months, are working to help find housing solutions and fulfill needs for food, suitcases, and coats. You can support by donating via Venmo to @foodfightbk.